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Intuitive Clinical Assessment for the whole person
Holistic education is a movement that seeks to engage all aspects of the learner, including mind, body, and spirit. “Holism” is defined as the tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the sum of the parts. One patient recently asked, “How can I be 80% better in 1 session after months of pain?” When we involve ALL the parts of you on the healing journey, your body makes quicker, more complete leaps than if we focus on each part individually. Your body holds your stories.
All sessions include both an Intuitive and a Physical Assessment. Ruth spent many years practicing intuitive assessments which offer deep energetic insights into the root cause of physical limitations. Physically she utilizes the best techniques in Osteopathic Manual therapy including visceral manipulation, neural manipulation, strain counter strain, muscle energy technique, and advanced myofascial release. Pelvic floor therapy for women is just one of the specialities Ruth holds.
Intuitive PT: All sessions will include both an Intuitive and a Physical Assessment. Ruth has recently been working on a mentorship in intuitive assessments which offer deep energetic insights into the root cause of physical limitations. Visceral manipulation, neural manipulation, strain counter strain, muscle energy technique, myofascial release are a few of the common modalities she uses for concurrent manual therapy.
These sessions are power packed and they are not intended to be your regular, frequent PT or mental health support. They will give insight into stuck or persistent patterns that may have emotional or physical origins which can then have ongoing support with adjunct therapists. The frequency that is recommended is 3 weeks to 3 months between sessions.
Holistic Pelvic Education is designed as an empowering and enlightening online experience exploring the relationships between our bodies, our emotions, and our health. These courses were created by combining many trainings in women’s health Physical Therapy, akashic records, Holistic Pelvic Care™, and patient experience to help you understand your pelvis on ALL levels.
So many of your physical symptoms are rooted in the spiritual and emotional realms. The imbalances found here create disharmony and physical complaints. Look DEEPER into your pelvis, to find your truth and your healing…oh, and have some fun while you’re at it!
You are a *Spirit* having a *Human* experience bringing *Light* into your *Body*. This is worth...
We each hold collective secrets in our own pelvis - the treasured secrets as well as the heavy ones....
Fully realize your sexual power by blending your physical body and energy body...
Every woman's access to the women's health PT knowledge base! From toilet performance to kegel...
A Guide to Self Massage of Your Vagina and Pelvic Muscles...
Ruth Elliot earned a master’s degree in Physical Therapy from Western Carolina University and a Bachelor of Arts with double major in Biology and Music in South Carolina. She then attended massage therapy school and is currently a licensed massage and body worker holding an advanced certification in neuromuscular massage therapy.
Ruth completed her graduate research thesis studying urinary incontinence in collegiate female athletes and has been mentored by specialists in Women’s Health PT and osteopathic manual therapy.
For pregnant and postpartum patients in pain or for clients wishing to take a deeper look into healing from a more energetic and intuitive perspective, please see below for info about Akashic readings. All sessions offered will include bodywork with a physical therapy type assessment and intuitive body assessment from your personal akashic records.
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