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Ruth Elliot

Ruth Elliot

Ruth Elliot, MPT, LMBT

Ruth is proud to have studied with the Barral Institute, Herman and Wallace Institute, APTA, Summit Education group, The Akashic Alliance, Tami Lynn Kent for Holistic Pelvic Care™,and the Birth Healing Institute. She has been a presenter at the South East Wise Women’s Herbal Conference, Midsouth Women’s Herbal Conference, AB tech, Asheville School of Massage and Yoga and for Asheville birth workers.

“I am a bridge between grounded science and grounded intuition. Intuition is a field of information we are all in all the time and the more we visit the more familiar it becomes.”

Ruth Elliot earned a master’s degree in Physical Therapy from Western Carolina University and a Bachelor of Arts with double major in Biology and Music in South Carolina. She then attended massage therapy school and is currently a licensed massage and body worker holding an advanced certification in neuromuscular massage therapy. Ruth completed her graduate research thesis studying urinary incontinence in collegiate female athletes and has been mentored by specialists in Women’s Health PT and osteopathic manual therapy.

In addition to advanced coursework in women’s health physical therapy (WHPT), she was certified in Holistic PelvicCare™ and Advanced Energy Techniques by Tami Lynn Kent in Portland Oregon. Ruth utilizes a holistic approach to WHPT improving the mind-body connection of her clients which helps manage pain, heal from pelvic trauma, improve physical alignment, and support emotional well-being. The specific osteopathic techniques she utilizes include visceral and neural manipulation to treat clients with chronic or acute abdominal, pelvic, and back pain.

She is a Pregnancy and Postpartum PT specialist and is passionate about educating and empowering women from a holistic perspective. Outside of the clinic Ruth enjoys singing opera and folk music, canning, backyard camping in her vintage 1990s tour bus, and hiking in the mountains of her native home. Ruth and her wife Brenda own AHPT and intend it to be a supportive therapeutic environment for skilled practitioners and resilient patients for many years to come.

Ruth’s areas of specialty

Ruth is a pregnancy and postpartum specialist offering Holistic Pelvic Care™ with special emphasis on women who have experienced trauma. She also specializes in postpartum body mechanics and manual therapy techniques including positional release, myofascial release, osteopathic visceral manipulation and abdominal massage.

She is gifted to read the energetic patterns of the human body and largely incorporates this into a pelvic session using HPC™. She is also trained to addressing Soul-Level contributions to physical pain through reading the Akashic Records. With the combination of pelvic energy pattern and soul-level reading, many clients have found answers to challenging, chronic conditions that were anchored in a core belief or life-pattern.

Osteopathic Visceral Manipulation FAQ

Akashic Integration FAQ

For more information please email Ruth directly at ruth@ashevilleholisticpt.com

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