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What are akashic records

Ruth’s areas of specialty

The Akashic Records are the energetic records of each soul containing information from past lives, the present lives, and possiblefuture lives. Each soul has its own specific Akashic Records, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. The Library of the Akashic Records is where all souls’ Akashic Records are stored energetically. This information is stored in the Akashic field (also called zero point field). The Akashic Records are not a dry compilation of events; they contain our collective wisdom.

This is a proprietary treatment technique developed by Ruth Elliot. As a licensed massage and bodyworker I am skilled to work with the human body and its pain, dysfunctional patterns, and energetic and fascial restrictions. When I combine this bodily information with a reading of the Akashic records of you and your body, we are able to unlock multidimensional wisdom being held in your soul’s and your body’s wisdom fields.

Pregnancy Therapy

Akashic Integration FAQ

During meditation or quiet contemplation, prepare one intention and three questions to work with in the records that are most pertinent to your life and your soul’s evolutionary journey.
No. We set the intention that only what serves your HIGHEST GOOD will be transmitted to you in the during our session. We can trust that if it comes into our session, it is the perfect time to process it.
Nancy Ring and Deborah Hellman of Asheville. Both instructors are affiliated with the Akashic Alliance.
No. This offering requires full participation and investment from both client and practitioner. Each session is very full of information, wisdom and energy. If anyone has difficulty paying for these sessions, I recommend you reach out to family and friends to help you and plan ahead with meditation and contemplation to be fully prepared for this transformative information.

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